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After World War II, this area developed a reputation as black market of sorts, and flourished as a result. As the Japanese economy stared to grow rapidly, the area started to be a hub for electronics, including components and software. Nowadays, Akihabara's Electric Town is slowly declining under the pressure of competition from consumer electronics giants, which has caused many small and medium sized businesses to disappear from the area. That being said, big box consumer electronics stores don't carry geeky electronic parts, meaning that a niche for unique shops are still exists in Electric Town. In the area, you can still find the classic stores that geeks the world over have made pilgrimage to. On this site, I'd like to introduce some of these hidden gems to you. Still a work in progress.

Corrections and additions are always welcome, just create a pull request :)

The website is available as open source under the terms of the BSD License. Copyright 2016 Daiki Maekawa.